Mitigation of Environmental Footprint and Climate Impact


To build employee awareness of resource conservation, implement efficient environmental and resource management systems, and mitigate our environmental footprint in order to be a green organization that generates long-term benefit for society and the Bank


Environmental issues including climate change have intensified over time to impact people’s lives at large. Although improving the environment is a national agenda, there are some contributions we can make at the organizational level. We have elevated our environmental efforts within the Bank to be more concrete and systematic, not just for our own benefit but also for surrounding communities and the general public, through our environmental and energy conservation policy, which is aligned with applicable laws that cover energy and resource conservation, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the Bank’s direct activities, end-to-end waste management, awareness building and promotion of participation for all employees. We expect that our environmental efforts will help support the government’s environmental objectives as well as those of other private entities, thereby contributing towards the national shared goals. We continue to strive to achieve the targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for Scope 1 and Scope 2 with our target setting referenced to science-based target setting which adopts the absolute contraction approach in setting targets to control the increase of average global temperatures to be less than two degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels. Moreover, we remain determined to exert our efforts to help support Thailand in attaining carbon neutrality by 2050 as well as the net zero emission of greenhouse gases by 2065 according to the government’s declaration at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland.
Management Approach
As we place a high priority on systematic environmental management and energy conservation to prevent and mitigate environmental impacts from the Bank’s operations, we have formulated an environmental management and energy conservation policy as a clear framework for compliance and have adopted ISO 14001:2015 international standards for our environmental management and energy conservation practices. The policy covers planning, setting targets and operating plans, assessing associated environmental risks and impacts, monitoring performance, determining corrective measures, and developing eco-efficiency data management tools. We believe that systematic management will enhance the Bank’s environmental management and improve its energy conservation performance to be more efficient and effective. Furthermore, we are raising awareness among employees about environmental management and energy conservation to instill a mindset that promotes environmental conservation, as well as encouraging them to follow these practices as a matter of habit.

Key Activities

The Bank is committed to instilling a mindset for, and building awareness of, environment and energy conservation for all employees, customers, suppliers and the public through the Bank’s communication channels. Moreover, we support efforts on environment and energy conservation under Bualuang Save the Earth — a program that covers diverse activities that help reduce energy consumption, and support resource conservation and waste management along with reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, we provide support and work with various agencies to build awareness and organize activities to preserve the environment and energy for communities and the general public.

Adjustment of Equipment to Enhance Energy Efficiency and Reduce Resource Utilization

  • Improving Lighting Systems

    The Bank gradually replaced over 3,500 fluorescent bulbs in various buildings across the country. The replacement is expected to reduce electricity consumption by about 141,577 kilowatts per hour and reduce GHG emissions by about 71 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

  • Improving Toilets at Head Office Buildings

    The Bank has refurbished toilets to promote efficiency for water and electricity consumption and to elevate the level of occupational health and safety, by gradually installing equipment with intelligent sensors to turn the water and electricity supply on only when they are in use. In addition, water-saving toilets were installed in the group of five buildings that comprise the head office, which are Silom Head Office Building, Rama III Building, Trinity Complex Building, Saengthong Thani Tower and Building 3. It is expected that the new equipment will help save more than 50 percent of resource utilization compared with the previous system.

Reduction of Energy and Resource Consumption

  • Bualuang Save the Earth: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Realizing that the country is facing challenges relating to landfill waste management and having the intention to promote recycling of used materials for maximum benefit, we conducted an end-to-end waste management project from upstream to downstream for the group of five buildings that comprise the head office by adopting 3R principles, which are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The project’s objectives are to 
  1. conserve the environment, reduce waste volume and ensure optimal consumption of energy and resources
  2. raise awareness of resource utilization and waste sorting in daily life
  3. promote cooperation from employees at the Bank. We distributed 1,066 garbage-sorting bins to the offices as well as continuously promoted conservation and encouraged employees to reduce and separate waste in the correct way through different communication channels of the Bank. Each type of waste will be separated and gathered before sending to related agencies to be properly handled afterwards.

Building Awareness on Energy and Environmental Conservation

  • Bualuang Saves Energy Project

    To raise awareness and foster environmental conservation for staff at all levels, we have launched an online course on energy management via the BBLearn channel. By the end of 2022, 14,776 employees had attended the course, accounting for 77.4 percent of all employees, of which 8,249 employees were employees working in designated buildings, representing 96 percent of total employees working in designated buildings.

  • “3 Canals Row for the River” (Pai Rua Maenam Sam Khlong)

    The Bank supported an initiative of the Puey Ungphakorn Centenary Hall and Park and the Faculty of Social Administration, Thammasat University by inviting staff and interested people to volunteer to row boats to collect garbage along Bangkok Noi Canal, Om Non Canal and Bang Kruai Canal to help alleviate the issue of waste flowing to the Chao Phraya River and the Gulf of Thailand. This helps restore the quality of water and promote a better quality of life for communities along the canals in historical areas. This project deployed over 200 boats to collect 221 kilograms of garbage, 84 kilograms of which, about one-third of all collected garbage, was suitable for recycling.

  • Water and Waste Management International Conference & Expo Thailand: Water for Life

    The Bank supported the conference hosted by the royal-initiated community water management project and the Public Policy Studies Institute Foundation (PPSI) with the objective to raise awareness on the importance of valuable water resources. The conference featured over 30 global water experts who gave lectures and shared knowledge on water management, especially water management for agriculture and wastewater management. Moreover, Dr. Kobsak Pootrakool, Senior Executive Vice President and Corporate Secretary of Bangkok Bank, was honored to speak at the conference on the topic “The Stability of Water Resources & Economic System and the Bank’s Roles Related to Water”.

Carbon Offsetting of the Head Office Building in Silom

The Bank seeks to become a Carbon Neutral Organization by continuously participating in carbon offsetting activities held by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization). In 2022, the Bank purchased 10,038 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of carbon credits from BCPG renewable energy development project which produces alternative energy from solar power, to offset 100 percent of the amount of Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emitted from the Head Office building in Silom.

Environmental and Resource Utilization Information
The Bank implemented an eco-efficiency data management system to enhance efficiency in data management, reduce data storing mistakes and enable convenient data reviews. To ensure the quality of data and reliable reporting, we have obtained data verification of our environmental and resource consumption from an external party registered with the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization).

Environmental Performance


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