Employee Welfare and Well-being


To promote a happy and innovative work environment to foster all aspects of employee well-being, enhance relationships and engagement with the Bank, and sustain long- term productivity.


Our employees are the heart of our success, and we are committed to providing them with appropriate and fair remuneration and a pleasant working environment. We foster occupational health and safety in the workplace and strictly comply with the law, treat all employees fairly and equitably, and enhance their knowledge and skills so they can advance in their careers. We believe that employees’ well-being results in good physical and mental health, high work standards, and they will feel happy and engaged in their work. This in turn will support our sustainable growth and continuous good performance.
Compensation and Welfare
The Bank has set up Management by Objectives system to effectively enhance the performance of employees and comply with the Bank’s strategic plan. Moreover, team-based performance appraisal system is applied which allows employees to clearly know their own personal goals and team goals, and also helps to support collaboration in a team. The performance appraisal is conducted twice a year. To motivate employees to work consistently and achieve their highest potential, the Bank has a policy of fair remuneration, welfare and employee benefits, without discrimination related to gender, age, race or religion. Remuneration is based on employee performance assessment, positions, responsibilities, skills and experience, and is at a rate commensurate with other commercial banks. Annual salary and bonus payments reflect the performance and ability of the employee as well as the overall performance of the Bank. We also provide fair, comprehensive and appropriate welfare to employees such as loans, healthcare services, and retirement benefits to improve their well-being and relieve employees and their families from these kinds of financial burdens.
Employee Engagement
In 2022, we conducted a survey on the level of engagement among our high-potential employees and found that their engagement level was 83 percent. The survey respondents comprised 29 percent of male employees and 71 percent of female employees. The results of the survey will be analyzed to determine guidelines for further development of the Bank’s human resource management.
Occupational Health and Safety

We regularly conduct risk assessments on OHS at the workplace to identify significant risks to the life and health of employees and those involved, while also determining appropriate preventive measures. We continually strive to ensure safety at the workplace and to improve the environment to be safe and conducive to work efficiency, such as regular cleaning of the workplace, regular maintenance of appliances to be safe and suitable for various tasks, designing a room for copying and shredding documents located away from the working area, regular maintenance of the air-conditioning system in the building, and determination of a fire prevention and suppression plan which includes organizing workplaces to reduce fire risks. In addition, we employ specialized contractors and external auditors to make an annual assessment of the working environment within the Bank. This covers inspections of building structure and safety, electrical systems, sound levels, and air quality in the workplaces, which are compliant with domestic laws and standards as well as international standards such as the Singapore Standard SS 544:2009 Code of Practice for Indoor Air Quality for Air-Conditioned Buildings.

We provide information about fire safety and the Bank’s safety systems to all new employees. Also, other OHS knowledge activities are held for employees regularly such as training courses for OHS officers so that employees understand the roles, duties and responsibilities of the Bank’s OHS officers. Annual fire evacuation drills and firefighting training drills are held so that employees can deal with fire incidents consciously and help reduce damage to life and property.

Additional information

Data of Employees


Employees Data


Age groups

<30 years old


30-50 years old


>50 years old



Female in total workforce


Female in all management positions


Female in top management positions


Female in junior management positions


Female in management positions in revenue-generating functions


Female in STEM-related positions



Thai nationality in total workforce


Thai nationality in all management positions


Compensation and Welfare

Ratio of compensation of male to female employees

Executive level (base salary only)


Executive level (base salary + other cash incentives)


Management level (base salary only)


Management level (base salary + other cash incentives)


Non-management level (base salary only)


Mean annual compensation of all employees, except the CEO (Baht)



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